The question of closing merit has been annoying for most of the students who took MCAT this year 2013. Analysis can be made from the previous year records of closing merits. A probable, rather sure conclusion is that closing merit will rise this year amounting up to 86 %. Let us analyse the fact.
In the year 2011, total 33,703 students participated in the test and 12,374 candidates got more than 60 % marks. Total MBBS seats in this year were 2889. Closing merit this year was 82.53.
In the year 2012, total 36,100 students appeared in the test and 16,065 candidates got more than 60 % marks. Total MBBS seats in this year were the same. Closing merit this year was 84.36.
In this year 2013, total 41,677 candidates appeared in the test and 19,063 candidates got more than 60 % marks. Total MBBS seats will be the same this year too. Closing merit this year will be...???
Conclusion is that the merit will definitely RISE this year, but we cannot say certainly about how much. It may rise, according to my guess, with a closing merit of approximately 86.0 to 86.1.
The reason behind this rising merit is the number of candidates having more than 60 % have increased. When merit rose from roundabout 82 to 84, the increase in the candidates having more than 60 % was roughly 4 thousand. This year, the increase in the candidates having more than 60 % is 3 thousand. So most expectantly, the merit will rise to a value of about 1.5-2.0.