Monday, 22 August 2016

Do's and Don'ts for Attempting MCAT


1. Bring all your own stationary. It has psychological effects of getting you ready and confident.
2. Pray for at least 1 minute to God at the start of exam.
3. Carefully, fill your roll number.
4. Do a practice of filling Circles in Response form at home.
5. Do mark every unattended question. This is extremely important, because it lets you find those left MCQs easily after completing the rest of the paper. Don't fall into the trap of NO MARKING on paper.
6. Do match every question no. with its corresponding question no. on MCQ Response Form.
7. Do drink water during exam. But be careful, put the water bottle aside, away from question paper.
8. Clear your bowel and bladder before exam. No defecation and urination stress should be tensing you.
9. Give proper amount of time to EVERY Question. Don't PILE UP QUESTIONS for the end time. It diminishes your confidence of attempting exam. Keep it in mind, that brain needs to DOWNLOAD the stuff from its memory centers to its THOUGHTS centers. So give brain the time to THINK.


1. Don't rely on others for helping you out. No one has got time enough out of those 150 minutes to help you out. Even if they do, it won't be more than 3-5 MCQs. Better not waste your time on those risky MCQs. Who knows they maybe incorrect. Use your own head. Relying on someone else will lessen your self confidence.
2. Don't give more than 3 minutes to 1 question (e.g. physics diagram question) in the FIRST SHOT. Do give it REMAINING TIME AT THE END OF PAPER.
3. Don't drink too much water/juices.
4. Don't do PHYSICS FIRST.
5. Don't worry about the MCQs you think you have GOT WRONG. Focus on the present questions. Maybe you are LUCKY enough to get things right.


1. Decide a special time and assign COMPLETE 150 minutes for solving this paper.
2. We recommend you take a print-out of this paper. Don't read online. Read it on PAPER so that you may get true experience of SOLVING MCAT just BEFORE ACTUAL MCAT.
3. Do not CHEAT on yourself. Try to attempt all questions honestly, without consulting book. See how MUCH PREPARATION YOU DO HAVE.
4. Revise all important stuff before attempting this paper. SIMULATE EVERYTHING LIKE ENTRY TEST by UHS. You will get better exposure.
5. After taking this exam, calculate your marks using answer keys given on Pre-MCAT page on this website.
Yours sincerely,

Take a print-out of this answer key and then solve the above Pre-MCAT.

You can download above pdf HERE.

Saturday, 20 August 2016


Answer key of Pre-MCAT by Kemcolians, held on 20-Aug-2016 is HERE. Click on respective colours to get different answer keys:





Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Practice MCAT 2016 *New*

Keeping in view the problems faced by MCAT students, KEMCOLIANS (Students and Graduates) have decided to organize a practice MCAT in 2 particular regions, just before the actual MCAT, so that the students can get true exposure of MCAT. They can evaluate their preparation and they can learn about their mistakes and shortcomings.
After test, there will be a GUIDANCE SEMINAR in which toppers/high achievers of  previous MCAT exams and especially kemcolians will share their experiences and tell students the essential techniques and know-hows of MCAT i.e.
  • How to utilize last few days before MCAT so that they can make their way to medical colleges.
  • Most important points to focus in syllabus just before MCAT.
  • How to manage time, which is the key to success in MCAT, as you all know.
  • How to ride, calm down and control your nerves during MCAT.
VENUE: Faisalabad, Multan and Taunsa.